Monday, January 24, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

So I'm a fool.  At least I feel like one.  I knew that over Christmas break I procrastinated preparing monologues that I would be using at the beginning of the semester; however, I didn't realize how foolish that was until the middle of KCACTF...

I realized this as I was preparing in my hotel room for my professional summer stock audition that I was so unprepared.  Sure, I had multiple monologues to choose from depending on how I was feeling that day, but a couple of them were definitely not up to par.  I then looked back and asked myself when do I work on my craft?  When I get cast in a show?  Sure, that's important, but I need to hone my craft before I get into shows.  
I spent all semester last fall in an independent study with Bartruff working on analyzing and performing Shakespeare.  It was fantastic!  Very rarely does a student get one on one time with the Beard.  It was probably the most rewarding time I have ever spent.  I felt like I was straight out of the RSC workshop when John Barton aired a television series about how to play Shakespeare.  However, I haven't worked on anything else.  I feel like that is completely necessary of me as an actor.  I spend time in the costume shop working and expanding my skills.  Music people are constantly practicing their craft.  I need to spend more time in the studio in front of the mirror.  Or.... eek!  the dreaded camera!  

Also, even though I studied some Shakespeare monologues and Jim gave me his vote of confidence by recommending I use my Lady Macbeth purple speech for callbacks at URTAs, I still had a serious slide of confidence at summer stock auditions at KCACTF.  I thought to myself, "How often have I performed Shakespeare?  What the hell qualifies me to even audition for it?"  So clearly my work needs to continue in this area...

I am excited to continue my work with Bartruff in a continuance of my Shakespeare independent study.  However, I am going to do more.  There are always shows I want to do.  Like Doubt.  How soon will I get to do that, if ever?  Why not perfect a monologue just for myself?  I will get to do work I want to do.  What a novel idea....