Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Is It?

So, a few things have been on my mind lately.  And they are irksome little things that happen that cannot be avoided, yet it really gets under my skins....

Why is it that whenever you are trying to get somewhere on time or get something done one time, that all the fates in the world work against you?  That happened to me this week with work.  I really needed to work in the shop, but it was closed.  My job at the newspaper proved to be horrifyingly difficult for me. This is my biggest fear for next week as I head to Chicago for grad school auditions...  I am not nervous for getting in to one or not.  I know what will happen is going to happen and I firmly believe there is an overall plan for it.  I am going in as prepared as I can be.  But I have a feeling I will let my stress take me over about catching transportation to the hotel rather than enjoying the fact that I am auditioning in Chicago....

Why is it that people need to be recognized for their charity?  Watching tv last night a commercial came on for a new reality series where a millionaire goes in disguise to be involved with someone/some organization that needs money and then surprises them in the middle of a meeting or something by saying they are rich as shit and want to give them money.  Yay.  That's cool.  But also sickening.  This is a major flaw I find with Oprah.  If you have all this money, why do you need people watching you spend it in a good way?  You didn't need to publicize it on tv when you bought a yacht.  Or college education at an ivy league school for your child.  Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled this is the direction reality tv has finally gone in.  But it's disgusting.  Why do people need that recognition?

Why is it so expensive to travel?  Sure, there are cheap ways of doing it, but even for those you need some money saved up.  I feel like it's a necessary experience for at least 90% of the world's population.  It helps people understand other cultures better.  It opens eyes and minds up to new possibilities.  It's fun.  Why is it denied to so many people?