Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Not?

Lately I have been itching to get out of Emporia, KS.  I am actually excited to be going to Hay, KS.... That's how bad I want out.  I am going to Santa Fe at the end of August to go pick up Josh and we are making plans to go to Colorado Springs and see the scenery there.  I have officially been bitten by the travel bug.  Again.

It has got me thinking...  Josh and I have talked a lot about our future and where geographically it will take us.  We've discussed moving to the UK or Germany if we don't get into grad school next year.  And we have really been looking into traveling for the long term through southeastern Asia.  Josh even brought up living in Australia or some place in South America....

While it all seems novel and exciting, I have reservations about the thought of living a somewhat nomadic lifestyle.  And I came to the realization that my biggest set back is what other people will think.  My family will have a hard time understanding and will try and talk me out of it.  It wouldn't be anything extreme, just that they won't think it is the best idea.  But if it is what I want, why should I work so hard to please them?  They will support me with whatever.  They do not see the benifit in traveling and believe that it's better to settle down and get a job.

But who says getting a job and making money to support a family is the definition of success?  The priest at Sacred Heart gave a sermon a couple weeks ago about how the western world sees rest as laziness.  In the eastern world, they are not pushed to work more than anyone else.  They take time to find themselves in the hustle and bustle of their daily lives.  To me, that is success.  Time here is spent too much trying to please others.  While I find a release from the pressure of solely pleasing others through theatre, I do not find the time to enjoy what I am really getting out of it.

So maybe success for me is learning how to watch more.  How to stop and feel more.  How to enjoy more.  And what better way to test this by traveling and immersing myself in new scenarios?

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