Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Distance. Meh.

So Josh and I are doing the distance thing again.  Not. Fun.  Sure, it's much more mild than the 3 solid months apart this summer.  I get to see him nearly every weekend.  Things have definitely changed since the beginning of the summer.  But absolutely for the better.  Sure, it was awkward at first.  And sometimes still is since we jumped right back into not seeing each other every day after just 3 weeks of being together.

But enough about Josh!  I LOVE MY JOB!  I work with fantastic people who are all good-hearted and care about their work.  I work for a company who does terrific things in the field of theatre art.  I get paid well to do it!  Sure, its not the meaty dramas I really love, but it's pushing me in a whole new ways.  First of all, I have to sing - and very boldly at that.  Sure, it's not fine singing, but i do have to stay on pitch most of the time... And my physical work is being stretched.  As well as my vocal range and comfort.  Barb, or choreographer, said something to us actors the other day that really stuck with me.  She was trying to get us to be bigger during our songs and she said, "I don't know what it is, but today in schools they teach you guys to be so reserved and there's this thing about bringing the audience to you, drawing them in...  You can't do that here.  You have to bring it TO the audience!"  And I liked that.  Tear down that 4th wall! 

I've been blogging about my job more in depth if any of you are interested:

We're heading out on the road soon.  Autumn is here.  Yay!  I'm happy! 

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