Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Life in Emporia, Kansas is not exactly what I would call the most exciting.  Sure, I've got a lot going for me.  I have a tremendous boyfriend, great friends, I'm going to school in a solid theatre department, I'm not living in box, I have food on the table, my family is just a stone-throw away.... What more could a girl ask for?

Some place bigger than Emporia.  I've been in this class Professional Seminar for only about 7 weeks, it only meets twice a week, it's only one credit hour, we only meet for - at most- 30 minutes, yet it is the most demanding and stressful class I've ever taken.  It's like God is taking all those times I've asked for something to happen, something more challenging, more exciting, BIGGER to happen and has combined it into a super-sonic bundle of a class...  Within these first 5 weeks of this class, I have decided which schools I'm looking at, who I will be talking to on the phone for the next semester, monologues I will be learning and repeating to several people (in Emporia and hopefully many more outside of it as well), and I get to focus on the subject matter of all this material:  Me.  

Focusing on me in this class has lead to a deeper examination of myself than I think I have ever done.  I realize that I do not know very much about the world.  The oil spill happened about 5 1/2 months ago.  I just today read an article about it and began to understand it and the effects it will have on the gulf for years to come.  I couldn't possibly tell you what is going on in Congress right now.  In World Geography, the teacher basically slaps us all in the face by asking where a certain country (one that we've all heard of before) is located at only for all 80 of us to sit in silence until she tells us.  I CAN tell you, however, what happened on Glee last night.  (It was Brittney Spears, so cut me SOME slack...)  So I'm in the process of making myself a more intelligent person before I leave the world of undergraduate school...

Senioritous has hit me a bit too... I'm getting lazy.  I've skipped more classes this semester already than I think I ever have in any semester of college.  I'm bored outside my mind in Emporia, KS.  The highlight of my week is going to the Farmers' Market.  Which is actually pretty cool...  

The need and want to travel doesn't help things.  Two summers ago I went on an amazing trip through Europe.  People tell me it was the "trip of a lifetime" and my parents are glad I've gotten the "travel bug" out of me... They couldn't be more wrong.  The trip of my lifetime when I'm only 21?!?!  I don't think so...  There is a lot more traveling to be done by this lady...

I'm not sure what all this adds up to.  Indecision?  Apprehension?  So I'm waiting.... Waiting to see what is going to happen next.... 

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