Saturday, October 2, 2010

Senioritous and Severing Ties

First of all, IT"S FALL!  I love fall!  I stumbled upon this picture that makes me think of October.... I can't wait for the leaves to turn in Emporia. It's a really beautiful place to be during the fall - there are so many colors!

Ok.  So I went to see Social Network yesterday.  It was a pretty good movie, I would recommend everyone seeing it.  If not in theaters, rent it later.  It was an interesting concept - well not concept really because all this did happen, so story - that the guy who created this social network that unifies billions of people across the world severed all ties to the people that cared about him.  He didn't do it for the money, he simply did it for the recognition.  He was so incredibly obsessed about being part of a elite social club in college that when he didn't get into one he did everything in his power to create his own social club and to throw it in a few specific people's faces.  He severed all ties to justify himself... Or what he thought was justice.  

This ties in with senioritous right now for me.  I have lazy senioritious.  I simply don't want to go to class, especially the gen eds.  It's hard to sit through Earth Science lecture and find it valuable to my education.  Whatever.  This semester is already half way done and I'm freaking about grad schools... But a few of my fellow seniors have a problem with humbleness... That's the worst case of senioritous one can get.  A snide comment was made to me that I should work in the shop all the way until closing because I had no rehearsal that evening - what could I possibly have to do?  When I replied that I had a great load of homework to complete the person answered with another cutting remark of how nice it must be to start homework before 10!  I wanted to remind this person that if they didn't wish to attend rehearsal, someone else in the department could adequately and most willingly replace them...  But I didn't.... A few of the seniors here are making it difficult to work with them.  Their years of 'hard work' here at ESU have earned them the right to superiority.  They, too, are severing ties with underclassmen and some important references they have been establishing.  I just don't understand how the little time that is left could not be cherished when it comes to spending it with the people you live with and work with on a day-to-day basis...

Another problem I am facing with severing ties is with my family.  According to them, I don't come home near enough.  And my little brother is pretty sure my boyfriend is sucking up all my time... :)  I just find it difficult to make the trip home every weekend.  And as lame as this sounds, I don't have enough gas money to do that.  I love it when I get to go home!  There is nothing more fitting for the fall than to go home on a chilly Friday evening and watch an 8-man football game.  I love it!  Especially when it's cold enough for the concession stand to sell hot chocolate...  This is the first Saturday I've spent in Emporia since classes have started.  It's just nice to take a breather sometimes.  However, I know that my career path will only take me farther away from Kansas and my time with my family will only get to be less and fare more precious... I've got to make a conscious effort to go home more...

So, yeah.  While I have a weaker rehearsal schedule this semester, I need to spend my time enjoying the people I'm around.  And I need to avoid Stuck-Up Senioritous.  One brief moment though:  I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THE CAAP TEST!  WOOT!  WOOT!  Ok.  Moving on...

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